Dec 31, 2010

My most influential ... music

I just felt this sudden need to talk about my most influentional music.
As every kid/teenager i've spent a lot of time listening to music and finding new bands. And i was so happy when i stumbled uppon bands with lyrics that were expressing exactly the way i feel, the same pain, the same joy. I looked through lyrics, through sonic landscapes, something with which i could connect with. And i've stumbled over these bands/projects. And i slowly realize how much their music and songs, and the way they see and express life has helped me.
Some of them have been with me since kindergarden, some only for a couple of years, but they all contributed in a way or another to the person i am now.
I guess, all i'm trying to say is... let creativity invade you're life and you'll be free.

So here they are:

Enigma , my first musical love and the longest one. The starting point was watching their video of Return to Innocence. And i've come to realize that i do find innocence divine and that i do believe in destiny and all the thingsone can create.

Another artist that is very close to my soul is Marie' Digby. I can't even start describing how much she healed my soul, after 2 years that represented a down-fall for me. In a way we're pretty similar as persons. I'm gld i've stumbled over her songs and that i've got to know her quite a bit. And the most important lesson i've learnt from her is this: listen to your heart, because dreams do come true! Because of this lady i have now a lot of good friends from all over the world. And to those friends i'd like to say a big and warm Thank You!

Kerli, the fairy! Because of her, i remembered all the things i used to believe and love as a child. Fairies, castles, numbers, angels, forests, everything is enchanting about this wonderful creature. And i hope one day i'll be able to give her something back.Thank you for empowering me!

A Fine Frenzy aka Alison Sudol!This is for the most calm side of me, the side that loves to drink tea, read lovely books, stay in the woods, drewam od victorian houses, play with bunnies and suround myself with music and good stories.

Nelly Furtado! She went a long way from her Turn Off The Light days to Promiscuous, but i'm so glad the she had this opportunity and that people all around the world know her name. I think i can describe her earlier work as returning to the roots. Which i keep doing every now and then. Don't ever give up on your roots!

And, of course, Lenka, for showing us all there's no shame in being a kid and that it's actually necessary to do so, because that was the period when we listened to our hearts more, and not our heads.

Be the best that you can be, never forget what actually counts, and have yourselves a very Happy New Year!

Dec 23, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 11-a )

PS: Postul acesta este bilingv :)

Astazi, intr-o zi asa insorita, acre ne duce cu gandul mai mult la primavara, m-am hotarat ca a sosit timpul sa v-o prezint pe Marie' Digby. Easte cantareata, compozitoare, pianista. Are deja 2 albume originale si un album de coveruri japoneze ( este pe jumatate irlandeza, pe jumatate japoneza si locuieste in Los Angeles).
Aceasta melodie a fost dedicata fanilor drept un cadou de Craciun!

For all my lovely Digbyholics out there! Today I've picked Marie''s song Bring me love, which we all love so much! Have a lovely time at the PH Christmas Party! And hope to see you all via ustream!Here it is!

Bring me Love - Marie Digby

Dec 22, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 10-a )

Pentru astazi am ales o melodie a Gabriellei Cilmi, care ne-a vizitat anul trecut la festivalul Bestfest.Aceasta melodie a aparut, de asemenea, intr-o reclama a companiei Orange, de Craciunul trecut.
Sper sa va placa si ca deja ati inceput sa simtiti atmosfera de Craciun.

Warm this winter - Gabriella Cilmi

Dec 21, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 9-a )

Cine a zis ca muzica indie nu se impaca bine cu muzica de craciun?
Fleet Foxes vine sa ne demonstreze acest lucru cu melodia White Winter Hymnal.

White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes

Dec 20, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 8-a )

Am tot amanat sa postez aceasta melodie...poate din cauza faptului ca imi este foarte pentru ca imi doresc ca toata lumea sa o indrageasca la fel de mult.
Este o colaborare intre doua soliste de renume: Sara Bareilles si Ingrid Michaelson.
Pe Ingrid poate o stiti din reclamele de anul trecut de la Orange, cu melodia "Be OK "(un cantec produs in scop caritabil).
De Sara sunt sigura ca ati auzit-o cu al ei "Love Song". Acum are un album nou "Kaleidoscope Heart " ( pe care vi-l recomand, intr-o era in care toata lumea foloseste auto-tune, si muzica este mai mult robotizata, un album care suna organic este tocmai ce ne trebuie).
O melodie melancolica, care va cere sa raspundeti la o intrebare: Is love alive?

Winter Song - Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

Winter Songs from Crush Creative on Vimeo.

PS: nu am reusit sa fac rost de cod pentru embend de pe youtube, de aceea a trebuit sa apelez la vimeo.

Dec 19, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 7-a )

Dupa ce a cucerit Europa in urma concursului Eurovision 2009 cu melodia "Fairytale" ( cu un avans considerabil fata de locul 2), Alexander Rybak a cucerit inima multor fane de pe intreg continentul.
Albumul lui, "No Boundaries" se poate gasi si la noi in reteaua magazinelor Diverta, la un pret relativ modest. Include singlelurile : Europe's Skies, Rool with the wind, Oah si First Kiss ( a personal favorite, care ma trimite cu gandul la un vals vienez).
Pentru astazi, insa, am ales melodia Tell Me When!

Tell me when - Alexander Rybak

Dec 18, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 6-a )

Si uite asa ajungem si la jumatatea calatoriei.
Pentru astazi am ales o melodie din repertoriul lui Dido, o melodie care poarta o amprenta speciala, o melodie de Craciun abordata intr-un mod diferit.
Sper sa va placa!

Christmas day - Dido

Dec 17, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 5-a )

Sper ca deja ati inceput sa simtiti caldura Craciunului care se aproprie, mai ales atunci cand in fata voastra se intinde un covor de gheata, stralucitor!
Pentru astazi am ales o colinda de peste hotare, foarte populara, intr-o varianta mai speciala a artistei Priscilla Ahn!

Silent Night - Prescilla Ahn

Dec 16, 2010

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 4-a )

Si zapada nu se topeste!
Am incercat sa gasesc o melodie care sa se potriveasca cu sentimentul de veselie care m-a invadat in momentul in care au inceput fulgii sa se cerne din ceruri.
Este un canted al unui artist care a cucerit lumea cu hit-ul Fireflies si care ne-a uimit cu Brielle.

Christmas Song - Owl City

Muzica de Craciun ( Ziua a 3-a)

Pentru ca astazi am trecut pe la Sala Dalles si am vazut albumul acestei artiste minunate, care mi-a adus multe bucurii inca din copilarie, astazi va doresc sa intrati intr-o lume magica, plina de farmec si caldura alaturi de Enya.

Christmas Secrets - Enya

Dec 14, 2010

All my bells are ringing ( Ziua a 2-a)

Asa cum am promis, asta este a 2-a zi de Muzica de Craciun.
Intrucat a devenit foarte cunoscuta in urma reclamei de la Orange Romania si pentru ca melodia a fost tare indragita va prezint melodia unei artiste din Australia.
Numele ei este Lenka, care acum se pregateste de albumul cu nr. 2.
este o artista completa, pe langa muzica are si expozitii de arta. Creatiile ei sunt nostalgice si trimit cu gandul la copilarie si la o lume de basm, cu care ne putem identifica cu totii.

All my bells are ringing!

Dec 13, 2010

Muzica de Craciun

Mi-am propus sa impartasesc cu voi, in fiecare zi pana in Ajun, cate o melodie de Craciun.
O sa va arat si colindele mele romanesti preferate.
Pana atunci va las cu o melodie a trupei A Fine Frenzy, de pe EPK: "Oh, blue Christmas" intitulata:

Red Ribbon Foxes

Oct 30, 2010

Happy Halloween ! ( Part 1)

I stumbled upon this fantastic etsy shop called brandywine and these photos cathed my attention. Hope you like them and Happy Halloween!

Oct 11, 2010

Kerli the Fairy

Hello there!
Today i am going to introduce you to the most beautiful and talented artist you'll ever stumble upon!
This is Kerli! And she is everything you've ever imagine: a fairy, an angel, a godess, an inspiration, a rolemodel, a talented singer/songwriter!
She is one of those artist that keep you hooked on forever! And she will not dissapoint you!
She has her debut album out called Love Is Dead, an album filled with lessons to be learnt. She introduces a new facade to the music industry: one full of imagination, a qeer and creepy place, the right amount of light and dark, a sound with unexpected turns, that seems to be comming from the passes but heading for the future.
Her upcoming album is said to revolutionise the pop industry. Her style will be bubblegoth, something no one else has created before, only her musical genious.
This may seem like a dream, or maybe you don't believe me but ask every MoonChild out there.
Moon Children is a comunity founded by Kerli that believe in Integrity.Love.Unity.
or I.L.U. - a very strong message.
For more info please visit:

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