Nov 30, 2014

DIY: Mini notebooks

I've got the idea of the mini notebooks from The Sorry Girls, they did a video teaching their viewers how to make this pretty handy notebooks and I thought I would share my take on them.

The only difference from their video is that I use the metric system so instead of inches I used centimeters (cm).

These notebooks are so small they can fit in any purse/bag, they are ideal in case of emergencies and can be given as gifts too (I did that, paired them with a great book and a few colorful pens). And because it is a diy you can personalize it however you want, you can add letters, bows or rhinestones, anything your heart desires!

What you will need:

  • white paper
  • card stock (color of your choice)
  • pen
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • stapler
Step 1: trace a line of 19,7 cm and another one of 6,4 cm on the chosen card stock 

Step 2: trace another line 1,3 cm from the top of your mini notebook, see below:

Step 3: cot out the card stock following the lines from step 1.

Step 4: fold the card stock at the line from step 2:

Step 5: take as many papers as you want (at least 10, a max of 15) and trace a line of 8,9 cm and another of 6,4 cm like below:

Step 6: cut the papers accordingly: 

Step 7: place the papers in the card stock and staple them in place like below:

And done! Admire your work!

You can approximate the measures as long as you keep the proportions.

DIY: Beautify your pencils

If you are like me it means that you have a dozen half used pencils lying around and you don't even feel like using them, but you don't want to throw them away either. Here is a solution that I've found to be effective!

What you'll need:

  • pencils
  • washi tape
  • scissors

And you will get your pencils from old and boring

to perfectly pretty pencils ready for you to use them!

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